
Anna Näslund (previously Dahlgren) has written extensively on different aspects of photography and visual culture including the digital turn, print culture, historiography, archives and museum practices. Dahlgren contributes with deep knowledge on the history and theory of photography, combined with historical and critical perspectives on the relations between images and words, archives and image collections and digital image circulation. She has previously published critical perspectives on image collections, digitization and photographic archives and the relations between archival practices and history writing. Furthermore, she has considerable experience from image archives, through previous research projects but also during a five years’ (2006–2011) post-doc position at the archive of the Nordic Museum in Stockholm. Photo: Patrick Miller
Karin Hansson has written extensively on norms and values in ICT supported participatory practices such as crowdsourcing. Hansson contributes with deep knowledge on human computer interactions, participatory practices online and the relations between image and metadata and reliability. Furthermore, she has broad knowledge on how technical platforms steers the production of metadata. Hansson has explored the reasons, processes, power relations, and dynamics within crowdsourcing settings: first, by addressing the problem with digital differentiation, showing how social validation processes and relations can be made transparent in different types of data feeds. Second, by addressing issues of the handling of metadata in tools for crowdsourced data production, providing a framework for describing the socio-technical setting for the production of data, and thereby the detectability of bias patterns in collaborative information production. Furthermore, she has studied the larger ideological setting for collaborative metadata practices and policies, analyzing discourses on participation in research on open government, and the role of the participant in the field of crisis informatics, adding a much needed critical perspective. Photo: Patrick Miller.
Amanda Wasielewski‘s writing and research explores the intersections of artistic practice, new technology, and urbanism. Her doctoral research (Graduate Center, CUNY) traces a pre-history of internet art in the Netherlands as it grew out of artist, hacker, and activist circles within the squatters’ movement in the 1980s. Wasielewski is also the author of Made in Brooklyn: Artists, Hipsters, Makers, Gentrifiers (2018), which looks at how social media and new technology have shaped artist communities in Brooklyn, NY over the past 20 years. As a postdoc within the Metadata Culture project at Stockholm University, her research focus is on visual cultural heritage and digital interfaces. Photo: Henri Verhoef.
Sonya Petersson. Researcher in Art History, Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University Her research centers upon print media and history, word and image interaction, analog as well as digital image reproduction, and art historiography. Her doctoral thesis (2014) investigates the medial transfers and semantic transformations of the eighteenth-century concept of art through the lens of the Swedish popular press, art exhibitions, and print market, in order to reassess the historiographical issue of the birth and establishment of the autonomous concept of art. More recently, Petersson has conducted the postdoctoral project Graphic Illustration: Picture, Concept, and Combined Mediality from the Point of View of Mechanical Reproduction (2016–19), based at Stockholm University. She has conducted the case study Seeing Images: Metadata and Mediation in the Digital Archive in collaboration with Anna Näslund Dahlgren. Published in Culture Unbound 2022 10.3384/cu.3562.
Vendela Grundell Gachoud, PhD in Art History, researcher. Her doctoral thesis in art history Flow and Friction (2016) investigated how digital interfaces shape spectatorship and how this process is revealed in glitch art online. This investigation of normative and disruptive user positions expands in her postdoctoral project Seeing Differently / Seeing Difference (2018-2020) on photography by people with visual impairments, which demonstrates how ableism affects users. She has conducted the case study Sami Traces: Curatorial Workarounds and Diversity in Archives Online (forthcoming in Digital Approaches to Inclusion and Participation in Cultural Heritage, Routledge, 2022) in collaboration with Anna Näslund Dahlgren and Karin Hansson.
Clara Bylund, MA in Art History, researcher. Her Master thesis A model of Art (2022) investigated the online catalogues of the art museums Nationalmuseum and Thielska Galleriet. She has conducted the case study Beyond Numbers on digitization as visual presentation in collaboration with Anna Näslund.
Collaborating Partners
Uppsala University Library. Karolina Andersdotter arranged two Hackatons for researchers (Jan 2020) while being employed in the project. She combined this task with working with digital tools and management at Uppsala University Library.
National Library of Sweden. Katinka Ahlbom, Head of Manuscripts, Maps and Pictures and Stina Degerstedt, Head of the metadata programme. Have constributed to a national survey on metadata uses (2019). During 2021 and 2022 we have done participatory observations and interviews within the library.
Stockholm City Archive. Ann-Sofi Forsmark, Head of Development, Stockholm City Archive and Samuel Branting, Coordinator for Stockholmskällan. Have contributed to a national survey on metadata uses (2019). During 2022 we have done participatory observations and interviews within the archive.